Small Cell Cancer of the Cervix--just diagnosed

Hello to everyone here, and my heart and prayers go out to all of you that are touched by this cancer. My sister in law, 43, was just diagnosed this week with SCCC, after a month of gastrointestinal distress. She was found to have tumor masses in her cervix, ovaries, vagina, her uterus was enlarged and "rock-hard", and she has 7 tumors in her liver, which was the source of her GI distress. She had a totally normal GYN exam in May 2008. She just got the results of her Brain MRI and Bone Scan on Friday, and found that the cancer has also metastazed to her shoulder and right hip (no brain involvement, which is good news). Her cancer is Stage IVA. She will be undergoing chemo (carboplatinum and VP-16), however her oncologist has vetoed radiation therapy that her GYN Oncologist recommended. I am a nurse, and my heart sank when Beth (my SIL) initially told me that it was small cell cervical cancer. I have encouraged her to get a second opinion, and alo to try to enroll in clinical trials (we live in MA, so I got her names at Leahey Clinic and Mass Gen. Hospital). We are all in shock, especially Beth, but I was encouraged to read the stories from everyone here and how well some have done fighting this horrible cancer. Beth's oncologist told her that this extremely aggressive cancer typically recurs, and relayed that there was no cure, but told her that it could be "managed". Has anyone here undergone clincal trials for this type of cancer? Any info would be much appreciated, and my thoughts and prayers are with all of you.Karen