Baby on the way...
I just wanted to share that I have recently found out my husband and I are having a baby...our 3rd. I am thrilled about it but I'm sad too. Not sure if my Dad (stage 4 colon cancer diagnosed in April 08') will be here to see it? He's doing well right now and is on a break from chemo for awhile taking only Avastin. He is losing weight though even when he's on prednisone...he lost 2 more lbs last week so he's now 122. His oncologist said he needs to stay over 120. We're not sure what he'll do if Dad goes below that. Overall Dad's doing really well right now but 7 1/2 months is a lot of time for things to change. He was so happy when we told him about the baby but I hope it doesn't put added pressure and panick in him so he's worried about making it to see the baby. Maybe he won't look at it that way...I really hope not. I know I can't control it if that's what happens, just sad that it's something we have to even worry about. I also feel though that I would have normally had a baby much sooner than this (my kids are going to be 6 and 4 years old and I didn't expect there to be this gap between the 2nd and 3rd kids) and I was so afraid at the beginning that he was going to go quickly and now he's still doing well 18 months later. I just feel like it's not healthy to put our lives on hold for a future that is so unclear but it is also hard NOT to do that?!