Hi, I am a 23 year old female. Over the past month or so I've developed some symptoms that are concerning me...For the past 2 years or so, I've had very painful intercourse upon deep penetration - I get a shooting pain throughout my pelvis....then about 1 month go, I started to experience burning upon urination & increased frequency...I made an appointment to go see my family doctor (to rule out infection, etc) & get a pap, in between the time of scheduling my appointment & going to see my doctor, I developed a dull aching in my pelvis, mostly in the lower right quadrant. I tell him this informtion, he does a urine test, pregnancy test - all negative. during my pelvic examination, he presses down on my lower right quadrant, & it just about sends me off the bed, I had pushed down on my pelvis on my own standing up & didn't really have much discomfort. Over the next few days I've been experiencing lower back pain & shooting pain into my right groin area. The doctor's next suggestion is to go for a pelvic ultrasound....however, I have to wait until January for an appointment- in the meantime I am beside myself worrying I have cancer! I will note that my periods have remained normal, & I have had no abnormal bleeding.