New to Board...Dad with Colon cancer in Lungs
Hello Everyone, I am new to the board and welcome any wisdom all your experiences you can share. My 70 year old father was diagnosed with colon cancer in 3/09 and has been on Oxaliplatin/Avastin/Xeloda until recently when his neuropathy has forced in to start lowering doses and D/C the oxaliplatin for fear of permanent nerve damage. His CEA was originally 60 and went down to 11 but his most recent PET scan showed an increase in mass size and activity so he is currently on a break to regain some strength and restart on a new course of Irinotecan/Erbitux. The most interesting fact of the situation is that his colon cancer is actually situated in his lungs! He has 4 nodules total between both lobes and is otherwise cancer free in the rest of his body (including the colon!) I have looked into alternatives, including RFA but his oncologist does not think he is a good candidate due to the number and risk of complications. His largest nodule currently measures 4cm. Has anyone had RFA done in the lungs and how was the outcome? Thanks!