Rethink that colostemy bag.
Hello all. I am a colorectal cancer survivor and thought I might share my story. I had my 1st surgery in Jan 2008(section of colon removed about 3 inches in from rectum) Stage 2 colon cancer with pre-surgery kemo and radiation. Surgeon said he would try to save rectum(2nd opinion, 2nd surgeon, 1st said no option but permanant colostomy) After temporary colostomy reversal(Jun 2008) I was horrified to find I had no bowel control. Surgeon said it would return slowly(it hasen't) so I survived (changing many diapers a day and not wanting to mingle w/ people anymore due to feeling like less than human. (smells and unclean feeling and spending mucho time in bathtub hosing my backside). I did go for a motility test and doctor side I had very little rectal muscle strength and would be better off w/ a colostemy bag. Well, I decided there had to be a better way than just dumping in my diaper all day and this is what I do to make my life a lot more livable. I eat one meal a day, take immodium tablets(otc of course) and every 4 days do a purge (take a heavy dose of laxative, otc of course) and it has made my life quite livable again.I now have a clean diaper all the time and except for the 2 days when I purge (usually about 3 hours on the can each time)am free to mingle or whatever without the worry. I am very glad I don't have to wear the colostemy bag and feel much more normal. Just think of all those colostemy supplies not being used! I just buy a pack of otc diapers once or twice a month and have no outward sign of any condition. You can even wear regular undies most of the time and mingle w/ your partner again if you have one. Try it.