New & scared
Hi, I am a 39 year old mother of 3. About 8 months ago I started complaining I didn't feel well. I had a lot of stress in my life so I went to the doctor with some general left side abdominal flank pain. After some testing it came back my spleen was enlarged but none of the blood work showed anything was wrong. So of course I go on with life. I had gained a lot of weight due to poor eating habits etc but I noticed I was becoming sick pretty often which was unusual for me. Lots of colds, fatigue etc. I had my tonsils and adnoids removed about 3 years ago. I begin to notice night sweats. Not every night but the kind where I would wake up and my clothes were wet. My thyroid was checked. It was fine. I have had terrible migraines on the right side and my ear hurts on the right. It also itches and rings a lot. Nothing shows on tests just DX as clinical migraines. Then my hair starts to fall out. Not huge amounts but enough for me to hold a hand full every time I wash it. I have been itching, especially on the thighs and my hair. I have lost 64 pounds. I was really happy about that because I stopped using caffine and sugar but apparently 64 pounds shouldn't fall off of you that fast. Flash back to about 3 months ago. I go in because I have these painful knots in my neck. I am given antibiotics for infection. They don't go away but they aren't painful any more. I come back because they said if they don't go away come back. I get more medication and they don't go away and I come back. So here I am. I have several pea size hard nodes and 1 that is larger. They are clustered pretty close. There is one under my right ear (my right check feels swollen and sort of numb)and the node in my rt shoulder has been causing me pain. I have had blood work several times over the span you read above and it was normal...or that is what the nurse reading it to me said. I am not sure what to think. I went to my ENT. He seems concerned but if the blood work is normal then it isn't cancer right? Help me out here please.