
Hi My mum was misdiagnosed with ovarian cancer on the 21 NOvember 2008.  She has since had a full hysterectomy and they discovered that her ovaries were not diseased.  However she does have cancer.  They just cannot find the primary.  The secondary was in the omentum and they left nodes in the abdomen with disease attached to the outside of the bowel. The nodes were too small to remove and they feel they can get these with chemo.They have told us it is incurable and now I am scared.  I am her caregiver and I don't really know what is ahead for us.She is 71 years old and it seems so cruel.  We have hospice helping us - which is great and they come for their first official visit today.If any of you have any help or advice, that you could give I would greatly appreciate it.I do feel so alone dealing with this.