DETOX is the best help for cancer - all cancers
The best strateggies for Help the body to get rid of cancer is detox: - Bowel - Hidrocolontherapy and the protocol of Dra. Hulda Clark parasite clean and her bowel protocol clean - Kidneys - NQi - Núcleo Quelado Inteligente - a Brazilian produt 100% naturel with phosphorus help the kidneys and de gallblader and also the protocol of kidney cleanse Dra. Hulda Clark - Liver and Gallblader - the cleanse with olive oil Epsom salt Limon, we see the galstones out of the duct bils and liver ducts 6 cleans, or until no moore stones in the last clean. - Liver Clean of ascaris a worm that is inside of all people who dies with cancer. - Coloidal : Silver, Gold, coper to reforce imunity - Digestive Enzymes - to help with the detox - the toxins need to get out of our body quick - Cat's claw - Pau de arco or Ipê Roxo - Aloés or babosa - Laetrice - B17 - Make the blood diet from Dr. Dadamo - Don't eat: Sugar Meat Milk and all that is make with milk only can eat butter in low quantity Beans and soya and all beans Potatos Pork All the food that came from the sea (only fish is allowed) Oat, advocat, sintetic C vitamin - Eat organic food - To clean heavy metals take Metionin, Cysteine, biotin, tiamin. - Drink filter water and 2 lit - Make sports because the oxygen and the toxins - Meditation - Hipnose to understand what cause this and acept the situtation and get peace on our heart. The machines that are good: - Zapper - Zapper candida and fungal parasites, and allmost everything that is prejudicial of our body the zapper destroy and we can do it in our own home. - Viber machine is very very good - Ozonetherapy - Photontherapy Sorry about my english I'm portuguese. All the things I talk about result for some people but doesn't result in others but we only know if we try. thank You