Cancer survivor from Alternative meds.
I have undergone chemo followed by surgery for lymphoma in 2004. but the lymphoma was back in 2006. My physical exam was not good, I was getting weaker with time & even the meds given by the doc did no improvement. I thought perhaps there's other ways. That's when I tried alternative meds. I read about quercetin is good against cancer & started with 1000 grams per day. The site m a homeopathic preparation by Lux Health Resources. I also heard some people took it so I added this remedy. The homeopathic is available from I begun to improve using the homeopathic above. This remedy is stronger than the quercetin because when I stop taking it, the healing does not go on. The improvement has gone so far I have my strength back and I can walk & even exercise. I was considered terminal (dying) by my doctor. He said I have 6 months to a year to live. But I continue to survive for a year and a 9 months now and I do not have much of the pains and weakness of lymphoma. I still have the cancer, but I am alive and can enjoy my life with family and people I love. My life has been changed and I am a cancer survivor because of alternative medicine.