Atypical Carcinoid

Hello-My mother has been diagnosed with stage IIIa lung cancer.  The primary tumor was on the right upper lobe with mestases to the lymph nodes on the same side.  After they biopsied the lung, they classified her with NSCLC and scheduled her for a lobectomy.  The day of her surgery they biopsied her lymph nodes via mediastinopathy (sp?).  She tested positive on one side and they cancelled the surgery.  They told her she had NSCLC with nueroendocrine features, which I believe is also classified as atypical carcinoid.  My understanding is this is a rare lung cancer and there really isn't a 'standard' method of treatment.  They did remove my mom's upper right lobe and 45 lymph nodes a week ago Tuesday.  20 of the 45 nodes tested positive.  They will re-present her case at tumor board today and let us know what they recommend to be the next step.  It sounds like this type of cancer doesn't respond well to chemo?  If that's true, I'm guessing radiation would be the next step.Does anyone have any experience with this cancer and the treatment of it? It makes me nervous to hear it's 'rare' and they just don't have enough cases to know what works & what doesn't.  I'm scared and want to make sure we're doing what's best.Thank you for your time...Becky