26 with colon cancer?
I think I might have the symptoms of colon cancer possibly late stage, I am 26 years old I know that I should see a doctor and I do have an appointment , but I just want to know if this looks like symptoms of late stage colon cancer. or any stage colon cancer pain & pressue in left side of upper abdomen and under left bottom part of rib cage ( the pain & pressure seems to be localized)pain in left side of back really bad rumbling in my stomach diareah mixed with constipation mucus in stool (not always but sometimes) when I wiped there was bright red blood on the paper, The doctor gave me a FOBT test and two were positive for blood I have lost my appetite (just dont feel hungry anymore) I have lose about 10 pounds ( the weight loss was before I lose my appetite, when I was still eating good. I am always sick to my stomach and theres a really bad pressure or fullness in my stomach that seems to get worse when i eat or when i am standing up I have sore spots in my ribs that are sore to the touch, I dont know if this is related to all my symptoms, but I am starting to have pains throughout my arms and legs is there anything that could cause these symptoms besides cancer? does these sound like colon cancer symptoms? and if anybody reading this has been diagnosed what were your symptoms, and age. I am very upset right now so if any one can please reply ASAP thanks