Change In Seasons: Ideal Time To Review Healthy Aging Habits---Omega-3, Antioxidants And Lutein Crucial To Baby Boomers' Health
TORRANCE, Calif. -- As summer winds down, school schedules may not be top-of-mind for empty-nesters. But keeping with the spirit of the back-to-school season, September provides a perfect time to brush up on nutrition lessons, take stock of your medicine cabinet and challenge your daily health routine. "While we can still take advantage of summer's fresh produce, ensuring a consistent supply of whole foods throughout the year can reap benefits for those focused on aging as healthfully as possible," says Michael E. Rosenbaum, M.D. "Chlorella, a super green food sourced from a fresh water algae, contains the widest range of essential nutrients available in any single food source, including potassium, all B vitamins, magne...