Re: Gardasil (HPV - Help Pay for Vioxx) vaccine
Take note: NVIC (Nat'l Vaccine Info Center ( just published another finding re: the side effects and deaths that have occurred among girls who have received this toxic vaccine. What is not discussed in corporate media, which conveniently is owned in part by drug cos., is the 675 micrograms of reactive aluminum in the 3-shot series. 17 girls have died in clinical trials and 85% of 1200 recipients have had severe side effects ranging from myalgia, asthma, facial paralysis, seizures, loss of consciousness and Guillain-Barre syndrome. These trials were rushed thanks to Merck who is trying to be the first on the market w/an HPV vaccine. Glaxco-Smith-Kline is close on their heels w/their own version.Appx. $5 million has been gi...