AmandaP on "Let more words be typed! :)"

I just had another thought that would be a great improvement to this site... the captions I write for my pictures always get cut off, sometimes after 2 sentences sometimes after 2 words... so obviously it would be nice to be able to type as much as I need but it would also be nice to be able to go back and edit the caption once it's there without having to delete the picture and reupload it... it would also be nice to be able to rearrange pictures.

I also had an issue with a message I sent to another user. I sent her a message that was probably 3-4 paragraphs long and she only got the first 8 lines. Then when I went to see what I originally wrote her so I could email it to her regular email, I noticed that there's no "folder" or anything on here to hold ur sent messages.

Just thoughts that come from using the site... I love it anyway! :)